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$46k only working weekends PDF

$46k only working weekends PDF

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There are so many different kinds of businesses --and so many different kinds of people -- that it's impossible to give specific advice on the particular type of business you should start. But to maximize your chances of success, you should:

  • Choose something you enjoy doing. IT CAN BE EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and a lot less enjoyable to make a success of a small business that doesn't interest you.
  • Choose a business you know intimately. Trying to learn a new industry or skill at the same time you're getting your business up and running will add a lot of unnecessary stress to your new venture and lower your chances of success. Simply, you should learn what it takes and what is necessary to run your business before you blow all of those pennies you’ve saved in your old fashion piggy bank for the last 15 years.
  • Choose a business that has a good chance of turning a profit. The best way to determine your business's potential profitability is to prepare a "break-even analysis," a financial projection that will estimate how easy or difficult it will be to turn a profit.

Although only you can decide when you're ready to quit your job and plunge into running your own business, here are some of the rewards of going out on your own:

  • Independence and flexibility. You'll have more freedom and independence working for yourself. And once your business is firmly established, you'll probably have the flexibility to make sure you don't miss the moments and events that matter most to you in life.
  • Personal fulfillment. Owning and running your own business can be more satisfying and fulfilling than working for someone else. Many successful small business owners find they enjoy the respect they earn from their peers for having the courage to go out on their own.
  • Money. The risks of forgoing a steady paycheck can pay off when you own your own business. At the very least you can do very well financially and at times exceed what you were making when you were living check to check. Although most entrepreneurs don't get wealthy, some do.

You can reap many benefits by starting your own business, but there are definitely some risks. The most common include:

  • Losing money. If your business idea is risky, ask yourself whether you're willing to gamble your good credit on your business idea.
  • Personal sacrifice. Business success can come at a high personal cost. Getting your business up and running may consume most of your time and energy, including your precious evenings and weekends. You may not have much time for family or friends or the extra cash on hand to make those silly purchases youre use to making. Before you quit your job, decide whether you and your family are ready to make some of the personal sacrifices necessary for you to create a successful small business.


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