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Moorish Lexicon PDF

Moorish Lexicon PDF

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  • Moors are descendants of Moab, who is a descendant of Lot, who is a descendant of
  • Shem, who is a descendant of Noah.
  • There are 2 major migrations of Moors to the west. One during the time of Joshua
  • and another during the Egyptian Persian war.
  • All the continents were connected as one landmass, named Pangea.
  • The Phoenician script is the same as the Moabite script. The Arabic script is cognate
  • with the Moabite Mudar script, which is demotic Hieroglyphs.
  • Radiocarbon dating is only accurate between 30,000 to 60,000 years.
  • We Moors lost our identity after a series of wars. Since we did not live by the
  • principles as laid down to us by our Prophets, we fell from Allah’s grace, became
  • conquered and were almost completely written out of history.
  • Since the fall of Grenada in 1493, Moors have been enslaving Europeans.
  • Thomas Jefferson advocated for the unification of several European countries and
  • the united States colonies to form a coalition against the Moorish Empire and put an
  • end to the trafficking of Europeans by Moors.
  • Moors have been identified as Moabites in history written by Europeans.
  • Nationality includes culture and legal status.
  • Because of the difference of culture, nations have the right to self-govern.
  • Spain was called Al-Andalusia until the 1600’s.
  • In 1492 the Moors were not all kicked out of Spain, it was simply a transfer of power
  • and many Moors stayed indefinitely. The Moors that stayed were eventually
  • assimilated into Spain and no longer identified as Moors, but Spaniards and Spanish.
  • Much like how the colonial State of Israel made it illegal for the native inhabitants to
  • identify as Palestinian and fly their own Palestinian flag.
  • Changes were made to Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s nationality card after he died, which
  • state: “I AM A CITIZEN OF THE U.S.A.” In the card dated 1926, those words were
  • not present.
  • A slave is a person of Slavic origin and the original slaves in America were Europeans.
  • Page 5 of 136
  • The United States Government, through its agencies, such as the FBI have been
  • waging a continuous war against Moors, which includes the assassination and
  • imprisonment of our leaders without just cause.
  • Latin is a language derived from the Moors.
  • Arabic has influenced the Spanish and Portuguese languages because of the Moors.
  • Berber does not mean Barbarian, it is derived from Baybers, meaning Noble Panther.
  • The United States had no Navy until the 1800s and their merchant ships were being
  • stolen by the Moorish Navy.
  • The Olmec stone heads have been carved with Turbans and Fezzes. Which means that
  • headdress did not originate in the modern-day kingdom of Morocco.
  • The word Morocco is derived from the Moorish word Marrakech, which is derived
  • from Amur Akush and is the root word of America,
  • The Barbary Wars was about the destruction of the Moroccan (Western / Maghreb)
  • Islamic Empire up until 1885.
  • World War 1 & 2 was about the destruction of the Ottoman (Eastern / Levant) Islamic
  • Empire.
  • The Prophet Noble Drew Ali is the reason any of us know we are Moors today (2023).
  • Our Moorish ancestors cured Europe of the Black Plague / Black Death, by
  • introducing regular hygiene practices and alcohol for sanitizing.
  • Moors are aboriginal and indigenous to the Americas.

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