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Moslem v Muslim PDF

Moslem v Muslim PDF

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I will address: (1) The Biblical / Torah ה ָורֹתּ / Tawrat التوراة / Septuagint origin of the
Moorish nation.
Page 6 of 102
(2) The “differences” between the Holy Koran of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science,
which was divinely prepared by the Noble Prophet النبي Drew Ali, by the guiding of his
father God, Allah; the great God of the universe. For the specific purpose of bringing Moors
(blacks) from our sinful and fallen stage of humanity back to a national-political standing
and submission to Allah: originally printed in 1926 when Drew Ali was 40; and the Holy
Qur’an / Koran / القرآن, the central religious text of Islam reveled to Prophet النبي
Muhammad by the angel Gabriel / Jabril / جبريل, in the year 610 when Muhammad was
40; and concluding in 632, the year of his death, by permission and authority of his father
God, Allah; the great God of the universe.
(3) How Prophet Noble Drew Ali could be a “Prophet of Allah” if Prophet Muhammad
was the “last and final Prophet and Messenger of Allah”.
(4) Who is Sultan Abdul Aziz and why is he in the opening pages of the Koran of Drew
(5) Principles of nationality & core terms and phrases.
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